NF Alcohol breathalyser:
Single-use tester Twin pack.
French Government confirms: It is a legal requirement in France for all Alcohol selling outlets to offer customers Breathalysers to buy.
This pack fulfils this requirement and allows you to be sure you are safe to drive. Remember it can take up to 14 hours to ‘clear’ the alcohol from 4 pints of beer from your body and France has a lower safe limit (0.5% vs UK 0.8%).
Be Safe - Be Legal |
Alcohol Breathalyser
[Click image to close]
NF Approved for use in France
Fast, accurate and easy to use
Manufactured in France - to guarantee suitability
Calibrated to the lower French alcohol limit (0.5% vs UK 0.8%)

New French Breathalyser Law

French Government confirms:
It is a legal requirement in France for all Alcohol selling outlets to offer customers Breathalysers to buy.
These will need to be approved for use in France and specifically calibrated to the 0.5% French alcohol limit (UK limit is 0.8%).
European Motoring Kit
This product is included in our European Motoring Kit... More info
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All essential products required to ensure you are Safe & Legal are available onboard from all the major ferry companies and cross-channel operators. |