Headlamp Beam Adaptors | Legally Required Items | Magnetic Plates | General Info
Eurolites Headlamp Beam Adaptors
Q: Why do I need to adapt my Headlights when driving in Europe?
A: Adapting headlights is a legal requirement, as ALL Vehicle headlights will cause dazzle when driven on the on the opposite side of the road to that which they where designed for. All European countries subscribe to a law that states: ‘Your vehicle’s headlights MUST be adjusted so as not to cause dazzle to other road users’. Failure to comply means you are liable to be fined if you are stopped and you also risk ‘invalidating’ your insurance - as your car is deemed ‘unroadworthy’ in the eyes of the law.
Q: Will Eurolites fit my car?
A: Yes, Eurolites are the ONLY adaptors that feature a comprehensive fitting instruction sheet - listing over 600 individual vehicles - that ensures your headlights will be properly and safely converted for driving on the opposite side of the road. Our instructions cover the latest 'clear glass’, 'projector lens’, and ‘xenon’ / ‘HID’ headlights.
Q: Are the headlamp adaptors suitable for use on the latest headlamps, which ‘swivel’ to the left and right as you turn the steering wheel?
A: Yes, our headlamp adaptors should be fitted with the steering wheel set in the ‘straight ahead’ position. As the headlights swivel, the ‘dazzle’ part of the beam will still be adapted.
Q: Can I simply adapt my headlamps by altering the ‘headlight level adjuster’ on my dashboard’
A: No, this will not alter the ‘shape’ of the beam pattern to get rid of the dazzle causing area. In order to get rid of the dazzle, the headlamp would have to be set so low that your forward vision would be severely compromised and your headlight beam pattern would be deemed to be too ‘short’ and therefore would be ‘illegal’.
Q: Are the headlamp adaptors reusable?
A: No. The adhesive on the adaptor has to work in a huge range of temperatures and conditions, and as such is not reusable when the adaptors are peeled from the headlight.
Q: Are the headlamp adaptors suitable for the newer ‘Xenon’ / ‘High Intensity Discharge’ (HID) headlamps?
A: Yes, our headlamp adaptors are tested on, and have been used with, these headlamps for over 10 years. Our products have been ‘tried, tested and proven’ on these lights, and they are included in the fitting instructions.
Q: How often do the adaptor fitting instructions get updated for new vehicles?
A: The headlamp adaptor fitting list is updated several times each year to ensure the adaptors cover all the latest vehicles. The main update is carried out in the spring in order to ensure that all vehicles are covered ready for the peak summer period. Subsequent to that we carry out updates on specific vehicles and new vehicle launches as well as customer queries throughout the year. To assist customers further, all vehicle updates are now instantly added to our website, click here to download.
Q: Why are the Truck headlamp adaptors the same size as the Car adaptors?
A: The job of the adaptor is to remove the dazzle causing part of the headlight beam pattern. All vehicles are individually tested on a headlamp alignment machine in order to ensure correct adaptation and it has been found that the standard 'car adaptor' performs this job successfully on truck headlights as well.
Q: Can I use Eurolites with my headlight washers?
A: As long as the headlights are fully clean and the washers are not used until the adhesive has fully cured - typically 2 hours then the adaptors should stay in place.
Q: Do I place my adaptors on the opposite positions for the two headlights?
A: No, generally the Eurolites are placed in exactly the same position, relative to the bulb, on both the passenger’s and driver’s side of the vehicle. This is because your headlights shine in the same direction as a parallel ‘pair’, NOT as 2 ‘opposites’.
Q: What do I do if I can’t find my car on the Instruction Sheet List?
A: Visit our fitting information page OR please phone us direct on 01462 499 646 where we will be only too pleased to help you.
Q: The drawing doesn’t look like my headlight.
A: As a large number of the drawings are relevant to more than one vehicle, we have simplified them so they show ONLY the dipped headlight bulb and the adaptor. To check which bulb you should be referring too inside your headlamp unit (it is most commonly the outer one) please switch on your ignition and turn your headlights onto dipped beam (i.e. NO blue full beam light illuminated on your dashboard). Then fit the adaptor in relation to the illuminated ‘dipped beam’ bulb.
Q: I am confused by the Yellow and Black images in my diagram.
A: On the latest instructions the yellow circle represents the dipped headlight bulb OR the silver ‘cap’ that covers the dipped bulb. The adaptor (which sits on the outer clear front glass) is then shown as a black outline or profile. All the diagrams are drawn as though you are kneeling in front of the car and looking at the headlight with your eye at the same level as the light source. Generally the Eurolites are placed in exactly the same position, relative to the bulb, on both the passenger’s and driver’s side of the vehicle.
Q: How do I know if I have got Projector, Standard bulb or Xenon / HID lights?
A1: A ‘Projector’ style headlight is very different from a ‘Standard’ style headlight. The projector is a 50 75mm diameter (2-3 inch) ‘spotlight’ that is mounted at the back of the headlight unit behind the clear ‘front glass’.
A2: A ‘Standard’ style headlight features a bulb that is set into the centre of the reflector at the back of the headlight. The end of the bulb is often coloured black or hidden behind a silver ‘cap’.
A3: ‘Xenon / HID’ headlights are an expensive ‘optional extra’ that throw an intense white light rather than the usual off-white beam colour of a standard halogen headlight. They come in both ‘Projector’ and ‘Standard’ styles and our adaptors work on these headlights as well. These headlights will use the same fitting diagram number for your vehicle as the normal ‘Halogen’ bulb units.
Q: As I am trying to stop my headlight beam from shining ‘up’ into other driver’s eyes, why does the adaptor fit at the bottom of the headlight rather than the top?
A: Most beam patterns are generated by the ‘reflective lens’ at the back of the headlight unit. As this is a shaped mirror it produces a ‘back to front’ image. Therefore, to stop the light going ‘up and left’, into other road user’s eyes, the adaptor is fitted ‘down and right’! This is because of the mirror image effect. All fitting positions have been developed by testing each and every car listed on a headlamp alignment machine, so please be assured they are correct.
Q: Which light source do I adapt?
A: ONLY the Dipped beam light, as you would not travel towards oncoming vehicles with your Main beam lights on. To check which bulb you should be referring too inside your headlamp unit (it is most commonly the outer one) please switch on your ignition and turn your headlights onto dipped beam (i.e. NO blue full beam light illuminated on your dashboard).
Q: I have removed the adaptors from my lights but have glue residue left on the headlamp. How can I remove this?
A: Click here for removal information.
Q: I am only travelling during the day so why do I need to put adaptors on my lights?
A: Throughout Europe you are required to switch your lights on when travelling though tunnels, and during rain, fog, etc. The law states your vehicle must be legal at ALL times not just those that suit the driver!
Q: I have Stonechip guards on my lights; do I fit the adaptors on the guards or the headlight glass behind them?
A: The adaptors MUST be fitted on the ‘front’ of the Stonechip guards. The guards prevent cooling airflow reaching the headlights, so placing the adaptors on the glass behind them may cause the headlight to ‘overheat’ and result in damage.
Q: Why do I not just use black tape to mask the lights?
A: The adaptors have been specifically designed to optimise the adaptation of the beam, without compromising the overall light intensity. The correct fitting position refers ONLY to the special reflective / diffusing material that the adaptors are made from. Light adaptation is a ‘safety critical’ area of vehicle law and Black tape cannot achieve the correct adaptation without compromising the remainder of the beam pattern intensity. Furthermore, as the tape is black it does not reflect any of the light but (Like a black shirt on a hot day), it absorbs the light and turns it into heat instead! This reduces the light intensity, may cause damaging ‘hotspots’ on the headlight glass, and is deemed ‘illegal’ by the French police.
Legally Required Items
Q: How Many Alcohol Breathalysers do I need to carry when travelling to France?
A: The official French Road Safety organisation ‘Association Prévention Routière advise that you should have a minimum of 2 breathalysers in your car. This way, if you need to use one to test yourself, you will still have one available in the car and will therefore be driving legally.
Q: Do European Motorists have to adapt their Headlamps when driving a vehicle in the UK?
A: Visitors to the UK will need to use Headlamp Beam Adaptors, which will stop the dazzle generated by continental car headlights from blinding UK drivers. These are an essential requirement to prevent the risk of spot fines, and more importantly the 'invalidation of motor insurance' in the event of an accident. French, Dutch, German and English language adaptors for Left Hand Drive vehicles are available.
Q: What other Motoring items are required when travelling abroad.
A: Please check our Country Guide for items required by Law when travelling abroad.
Q: Why don’t British insurance companies tell motorists they need these items before driving in Europe?
A: It would appear that insurance companies take the view that it is the responsibility of the vehicle’s owner / driver to make himself aware of his legal requirements for driving in other countries.
Q: Do you get cheaper car insurance for carrying these items?
A: NO - However it is essential to adapt your headlights in order to prevent the risk of 'invalidation' of insurance.
Q: Are Eurolites a legal requirement?
A: The Eurolites are a legal requirement, as ALL Vehicle headlights will cause dazzle when driven on the on the opposite side of the road to that which they where designed for. All European countries subscribe to a law that states: ‘Your vehicle’s headlights MUST be adjusted so as not to cause dazzle to other road users’. Failure to comply means you are liable to be fined if you are stopped and you also risk ‘invalidating’ your insurance as your car is deemed ‘unroadworthy’ in the eyes of the law.
Q: How many High-Viz vests per car do we need to have legally?
A: Each vehicle needs to carry enough high-viz vests to ensure that all occupants can leave the vehicle safely in the event of a breakdown or accident. The French Societe Prevention Routiere, (Motorway Safety Organisation), says you should carry a vest for the Driver and Passenger, whilst in Spain you must carry vests for ALL vehicle occupants.
Please be aware that the vests MUST be carried in the ‘passenger cell’ of the vehicle, so they can be put on before you get out of the vehicle. Do NOT store them in the boot under all your holiday luggage!
Q: Do we need High-Viz vests for all countries in Europe?
A: Legislation is constantly changing in Europe with more and more countries adopting vests as a legal requirement. The countries that require you to have reflective vests are currently, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Austria.
Q: Is it law to have a fire extinguisher?
A: Yes - In some countries. However, above all it is strongly recommended - as the European 'Good Samaritan' clause means that all motorists are obliged to stop and lend assistance in the event of an incident. Clearly, the carrying of a fire extinguisher to help in such situations is strongly advisable.
Q: Do you have to have a first aid kit?
A: The position for first aid kits is the same as fire extinguishers - please see above.
Magnetic Plates
Q: Do you have to fit a UK plate if you have a UK symbol in your registration Plate?
A: The UK plate is a 'safety' item that is required by law to advise other motorists that you are a visitor to their country and as such you are probably unfamiliar with:
1. Exactly where you are and where you are heading
2. Road signs and speed limits
3. Driving on the opposite side of the road.
4. Using a right hand drive rather than left hand drive vehicle to drive on the opposite side of the road.
All these factors mean that you ideally want people to be aware of the fact you are a 'visitor' and that, hopefully, they will give you a bit more space / time to execute any driving manoeuvres - some of which may NOT be quite as expected!
In view of this, relying on a tiny 'UK' symbol in the number plate which can only be seen from a few feet away and doesn't 'stand out' like a separate boot mounted plate is not the safest or wisest choice. As one of our customers put it: 'Fitting a separate 'stand out' UK plate is really just common sense’.
Technically speaking the number plate version is adequate in the eyes of the law. However, a large proportion of vehicles still do not have one on the number plate and feedback we have had from a number of our customers / the French Police suggest it is important to display that you are a tourist in a European Country.
Q: What UK's are available for non-steel vehicles e.g. Caravans, Trailers and Motorcycles?
A: Travel Spot supply resin plaques for Caravans, Trailers, Motorcycles, etc.
Q: Where should I put the UK Plate on my vehicle?
A: The UK Plate should be placed in a prominent position on the rear most part of a vehicle - so it call fulfil its function of warning local drivers that you are a foreign visitor and as such you are more likely to make 'unexpected driving manoeuvres'!
General Information
Q: In the event of a breakdown for an international motorist coming to England is there a recommended telephone number for recovery for them?
A: There is no specific breakdown number for motorists visiting the UK. However, in the event of breakdown on a motorway, all motorists are automatically connected to a breakdown service through the orange SOS telephone boxes. It is strongly recommended that all motorists take out emergency breakdown cover for their trip to England
Q: How much is the fine if you caught for not having your Headlamps adapted?
A: This varies from country to country. However, expect to pay a minimum of £50 up to a maximum of nearly £500 or the equivalent. It is usually in the region of Euro 200. These are charged as 'On the Spot Fines' - whereby you will NOT be allowed to continue your journey until you have withdrawn the money from a local cashpoint as 'instant payment'.
Q: Can I use my radar detector?
A: In France AND Germany it is an offence to have a radar detector in the vehicle, even if it is not plugged in. Please be aware that we have had a number of reports where drivers have been stopped and fined just for leaving the ‘empty’ mounting bracket on the windscreen! Make sure you remove ALL traces of the detector from your vehicle.
Please be aware this legislation also applies to SatNavs that show Speed Camera positions. If your SatNav has this feature it must be disabled. This can normally be done by deactivating the "camera warning" feature within the SatNav menu or by downloading a software patch from the manufacturer's website.
Eurolites - Best on Test

Derby based 'Scientifics', an acclaimed independent test body, carried out a series of tests on 'Headlamp Beam Adaptors' across 7 performance criteria. Their report concluded that:
The Eurolites product was found to have significant performance advantages in all 7 of the test areas.
It performed its primary task better, namely the optimum conversion of the headlamp beam pattern which has significant road safety benefits. It was easier to use, likely to be more reliable, (although no endurance tests were specifically carried out), and could be applied to all vehicles.
In contrast, the supposed 'Beam Bending' product caused greater loss of light from the ‘hot spot’ of the beam pattern. Its application and performance was likely to be compromised by convex headlamps and possibly by adverse weather. It had vague fitting instructions and would not perform as designed on vehicles with ‘swept back’ headlights.
Warning - Black Masking Tape
Advances in headlamp technology over the past few years, and the advent of Projector, Ellipsoidal and Clear Lens headlamps, has resulted in making the adaption of headlamps to eliminate dazzle a complex matter.
The use therefore of Black Masking Tape is a dangerous 'hit and miss' affair, and in any event it is unlikely that the vehicle would be deemed to be road worthy.
Black masking tape absorbs some of the headlamp light beam, and converts it into heat energy, which will not only cause a dangerous reduction in night vision but also generate a 'hot spot' on the lens. This in turn can cause cracking in glass lenses or a browning burnt effect on a plastic lens.
Eurolites and UK MOT's
Whilst the Left Hand Drive (LHD) Headlamp adaptors we sell are generally used for ‘short term’ visits to the UK, we have had a number of enquiries regarding their suitability for enabling LHD vehicle headlights to pass a UK MOT test. UK MOT regulations clearly state that Headlamp Beam Adaptors may be used for this purpose - Click here for more information.
However, whilst we have supplied a large number of customers with these adaptors for MOT’s without any problems, very occasionally, the MOT tester has decided that the adaptors do not ‘cut off’ enough of the ‘dazzle causing’ part of the beam. (This is because the adaptors have been specifically designed to ‘diffuse’ the headlight dazzle area, WITHOUT compromising the light intensity of the remaining beam pattern). In light of this, if you are buying the LHD adaptors for this purpose, please be aware that in the rare event of the MOT tester rejecting them as unsuitable, we will be happy to refund you the full cost price of the adaptors, BUT we will not be liable for any ‘retest’ or ‘incidental costs’ associated with finding an alternative solution. |