Most European countries have FREE parking areas in their towns, known as 'Blue Zones'.
These offer free parking for a limited time period, BUT drivers may ONLY use them if they display their parking start time using this Blue Permit Disc.
Typically the Blue Parking Zones are indicated using a sign similar to the one opposite.
Please be aware that it is the small symbol in the bottom right corner, which denotes it as a 'Blue Zone' and allows drivers to use the Blue Permit Disc to park for free - see symbol opposite.
Allows you to park FREE in
European 'Blue Zones'
Legal Requirement for using
free parking areas
Displays start of parking
time to Traffic Wardens
Note: This is NOT a disabled
driver Blue Badge
Blue Zone Parking Permit
[Click image to close]
Unless otherwise indicated, the 'Standard' times that a Blue Permit MUST be used in these areas are between Monday and Saturday, during the hours of 9am and 6pm (Sundays are exempt) and for a maximum period of 1.5 hours. However, if there is an extra sign denoting specific days, different hours etc, then drivers must go by that information rather than the 'Standard' rule.
Typically the Blue Parking Zones are indicated using a sign similar to the one opposite. Please be aware that it is the small symbol in the bottom right corner, which denotes it as a ‘Blue Zone’ and allows drivers to use the Blue Permit Disc to park for free - see symbol opposite.
As an example, the sign shown opposite states that the time you are allowed to ‘free park’ for is limited to 1.5 hours and the Blue Permit MUST be used from Monday to Friday between 9am and midday and again from 2pm to 7pm. However, on Saturdays it only has to be used between 9am and midday.
As a further example, this sign shows a Blue Zone where the permit MUST be displayed from Monday to Saturday between the hours of 8am and 7pm, BUT parking is limited to just 10 minutes.

Small symbol in the bottom right corner of the parking signs, which denotes it as a ‘Blue Zone’.
CAUTION: Please be aware that some ‘No Parking’ signs are quite similar to the ‘Free Parking’ ones! ALWAYS check for the Blue Zone Permit symbol in the bottom corner of the signs. By way of examples:

Sign1: No Parking Zone at any time.

Sign 2: Parking allowed but restricted to ONE side of the road for days 1-15 of the month, and OPPOSITE side of the road for days 16-31 of the month! (No Blue Zone permit required).

Sign 3: As per Sign 2, BUT drivers must ALSO also use their Blue Permit and comply with the ‘Standard’ rule regarding days / hours of the week.